Corporate Supporter
Australian Rutile
Australian Rutile own Mining Leases with considerable TiO2 deposits 200 kms west of Cairns, North Queensland, Australia
The Australian Rutile TIO2 site consists of 3 Mining Leases (total area of 137 ha)
An exploration Permit is also held by Australian Rutile. The three mining leases cover about 2.5 km of strike length along the deposit. The 3 granted Mining Leases and the granted Exploration Permit, are held 100% by Australian Rutile Pty Ltd
A total of five separate drilling programs, consisting of 78 holes for 5,119 m, have been completed on the Project area since 1968. Holes included in the resource estimation were completed in 1999, 2009 and 2014 and include 65 Reverse Circulation (“RC”) holes and 2 Diamond (“DDH”) holes totalling 4,572.9 m
TIO Deposit, July 2014 TiO2 Mineral Resource Estimate at 1% cut off
Indicated 6.7 Mt TiO2 @ 1.9%
Inferred 5.8 Mt TiO2 @ 2.1%
Indicated 130,000 t TiO2
Inferred 123,000 t TiO2
Total 252,000 t TiO2
Comprehensive JORC compliant reports and geological reports completed and available. Native title approvals completed.
The company wish to sell its interests in their entirety.