Government Sponsor
The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA)
The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) is pleased to announce that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Federal Helium System at Cliffside, along with its associated assets, is currently available for sale. This is an exceptional opportunity to acquire one of the largest sources of crude helium in the world, along with significant natural gas reserves and mineral rights.
The facility includes approx. 2 billion cubic feet of pure crude helium, 60 billion cubic feet of natural gas reserves, and 38,000 mineral acres. The property also includes approx. 425 miles of pipeline easements and 10 acres of fee land, providing a comprehensive and valuable package of assets.
The facility has been a significant source of crude helium for over 50 years, with a proven record of reliable and consistent production. The facility is well-maintained with the potential to provide a stable and secure source of income for the right investor.
Additionally, the mineral rights associated with the property provide an opportunity for exploration and development in a highly sought-after location.
Some of the attractive characteristics to the assets on offer include:
Unique opportunity to own a helium storage site, particularly as helium is notoriously difficult to store, and there is only one other major storage site in the US
Storage could be crucial given highly concentrated supply, which may be subject to disruptions and downtime, meaning potentially significant value
Opportunity to use the site for trading/hedging helium longer-term
Stored helium could provide a safeguard for an end-user buyer to ensure against supply disruptions
Access to the remaining volumes in the field mean that there is potential upside if the volumes have been under-estimated
Helium in native gas of >2bcf may also be possible to access
Opportunity to streamline operations and cut the operational running costs
Possibility to store other gasses such as hydrogen and carbon dioxide as a potential carbon capture storage (CCS) facility
This is a rare opportunity to acquire a valuable and strategic asset with potential for growth and revenue. For more detailed information about the terms and conditions for this sale, please visit our website.